Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Saying the same word over and over and over (and over) and over until it doesn't make sense anymore...

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Razor Wire Kiss; The Rest of the First Chapter


     MotherFUCKERS! Who are they anyway? Buncha pigs and pussies. Fuck ‘em all!
     He staggered down the cement ramp to the parking lot.
     The sun was gone but the merciless heat still filled the night. Christ. He didn’t feel like going home yet, didn’t feel like facing Donna’s bruised, miserable face.
     He walked around to the back of the bar.
     The sweet smell of marijuana greeted him on the other side. Two young couples were hanging around the basement bulkhead, passing a joint. They turned away and got quiet when they noticed Roland coming around the corner.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Razor Wire Kiss; Excerpt

This is how my vampire novel (the only one I will ever write) starts. -- H.K.


It begins with a kiss…

     Donna sat on the kitchen floor, crying, her face hidden behind a veil of long brown hair.
     Roland stood by the refrigerator, watching her narrow shoulders tremble with the force of her sobs and her small white hands shaking between her folded legs.
     He went to the sink and rinsed the blood from his fists, drying his hands on his T-shirt. “I’m going out for awhile,” he told her. He opened the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of beer, twisted off the cap and flicked it at her, making her flinch. “Is that okay with you, honey?”
     She didn’t answer. Another drop of blood fell from her nose, further embroidering the dark red splash-pattern spreading across her naked thighs.
     He left the house, slamming the screen door.
     Shemp, Donna’s cross-eyed Doberman pinscher, started barking, tensing against the chain that tethered him to the side of the house - gnashing jaws sending droplets of froth into the heavy air.
     “Shut up!”
     One day he was going to put that dog to sleep. Nighty-night asshole.