Saturday, June 1, 2019

Nothing so Appalling in the Annals of Horror!

Waiting for the proof of PANCREATIC CARBURETOR to arrive. It’s supposed to be delivered today. It’s exciting. PANCREATIC CARBURETOR might be my strangest book to date. Yet it’s remarkably tame. It doesn’t wallow in violence like so many of my other books. George Romero and Herschell Gordon Lewis were powerful influences on my writing. A story I wrote in college paid homage to Lewis complete with a gratuitous ax massacre. I lingered on the viscera Ala Lewis. My fellow students must have been APPALLED. Nobody remarked on the HGL reference. It went over their heads. They must have thought I was a psycho or something. Heh heh...

If I could go back in time and relive parts of my life, I would choose the period in which that story was written, 1988. I was full of confidence and making exciting new discoveries every day. Everything changed. My taste in books, movies and music changed with a vengeance. My view of the world and reality and my place in the cosmos was altered forever... 

Anyway, PANCREATIC CARBURETOR should be out soon and even without gratuitous violence I still think it’s worth a read. I also included a poem—a first for me. And I used my own art as the cover—another first. The book is more “me” than anything previously published.        

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